Tips To Maintain Your Home's New Fabric Patio Awning

Your new fabric patio awning from a company like Lehman Awning Co is designed to last for years with very little maintenance. However, by taking the time to regularly clean and inspect the awning and its hardware, you can ensure that it will shade your patio space for years to come. Follow these tips to maintain your home's new fabric patio awning: Inspect the Awning's Hardware for Damage Since your patio awning is exposed to the wind and storms, the hardware may loosen or rust.

3 Creative Flower Ideas For Weddings

Flowers are one of the most important decorations at a wedding because their brilliant splashes of color and large surface area often make them the focal point of any decorating scheme. As a result, you are going to want to get creative with your flowers in order to make sure that your wedding pictures stand out from everyone else's. Here are some creative flower ideas that you can utilize with your wedding.

Get A Cat To Get Rid Of Your Mouse Problem

If you have mice in your house, you may not like the idea of leaving traps around or leaving hash poisons around your house. You can get a cat to take care of the mice you have around your home. Learn how to get a cat that will put an end to your mice problems in this article.  Choose the best cat for the job The first thing you want to realize is not all cats are meant to be mousers.

Mold, Mildew And Moss: Protect Your Canvas Patio Cover

Mold, mildew and moss are the enemies of canvas patio covers. They can stain or destroy the canvas in little time. These annoying and destructive organisms all grow best in moisture and shade. One of the best ways to protect your canvas patio cover from the damaging effects of moss, mildew and mold is to prevent them from growing in the first place. By creating hostile conditions, you can help keep your canvas clean and clear of these problems.

3 Easy Ways To Modernize Your Living Room

If your living room looks like it came out of a movie that might have featured Bela Lugosi or Boris Karloff, that might be a sign you're ready for a change. Surprisingly, there are a few easy ways to modernize your living room, as a simple change of furniture can be hugely influential in redesigning your living room. Here are three ways to change the face of your house by switching up your furniture.